So yesterday after school, I ran into a bit of a problem with the stupid key pad lock on my apt door. It ran out of batteries (I still can't believe the apt don't change the batteries every now and then....). So I was locked out for 2 hours because the lock refused to take the password I entered. SO I called my co-teacher and she called the management of the building, and two ajussi came up and they tried to get the door working again to no avail. To keep a long story short, I later had to pay someone $20 to open my door. Then I had to go downstairs to buy 8 AA batteries in order for the ajussi to change the batteries on my door. Finally it's working now, but if they told me I have to pay to change the lock on the door because some bimbo punched a button in, I WILL refuse to pay for it because I did not break the key on the lock. The tenant before me broke it. So yeah, I'm no gonna pay for something I didn't do!
Enough of that, so after this whole fiasco, I met up with Grisel and we went downstairs for some din din at this Korean porridge shop. So good! ^^ So that was a bit of a highlight in the midst of a bad evening. ^^
Oh! I went to Costco three days ago with San, Maryann, and Grisel in Yangjae and I bought a lot of fruits, candies for my kids, and a pumpkin pie. We took the taxi back to the apt because we bought too much stuff. ^^ Oh yeah! We also had dinner at Costco except they didn't have the fries that I wanted. So sad.... *sigh* So I had a hotdog plus icecream. ^^ And I also went to Costco again (this time took the bus to the one in SangBong) with one of my co-teachers two days ago and I bought 2 more pumpkin pies. One for myself and one for the teachers at the office. I bought it in to the office yesterday and it was all gone instantly! ^^ They loved it. ^^ I'm happy because I like to share food and see happy faces enjoying it. ^^
So tonight after school, I'm going to Myeongdong with Grisel to try to come up with a halloween costume for tomorrow. If I do manage to put together a Halloween costume, then I will go out tomorrow, but if I can't come up with one, then I think I will pass. But I'm definitely meeting up with Tiffany to go see a free concert tomorrow night in Hongdae. ^^ Should be interesting. ^^
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New Seoulite Life
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